It's been a whirlwind of a week with each day ending crashed on the couch sleeping up a storm and not even realizing it!!! Work has been going well. I am really thankful for my job. I love where I work. Each year, it challenges me to take it up a notch.
This week was great to meet all my new students as well as seeing my former students. During the week, I made an observation and realized that I am not the same teacher I was 3 years ago in fact, a year ago. There's something very different about the way I am approaching things. It must be all the experience from the past 4 years. Certainly, it's all God calling all the shots in the classroom and I am just a vessel willing to be used. My experiences this week have amazed me and blessed me.
Whenever I see my old students, I recall the rough times we went through. It hurts sometimes because I felt that I did a lousy job. Those were such rough years, but it was all growing pains.
Now, I see this new generation of students in my classroom and realize that each one of them has a bright future. These kids are awesome as well as those from the past. They deserve a good education and good guidance. They are entrusted in my hands that they will receive what they need. I will make sure that they do!
I guess I finally grew up! It was one of my goals this past summer. It was time to shift focus on others and not on myself (ya'll know how us single people's all about us, lol!) God showed me this summer that I am a spiritual parent and that I am no longer a 20-something year old baby. My goal is to be a good example and a good role model, and oh yeah, teach them some Spanish while I'm at it, too...*wink...:)
Have a fabulous Labor Day weekend!!!
Laura :0)
Friday, August 31, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
I've been extremely busy the past couple of days with working long hours. It's a phase I like to call "Falling off the face of the earth." It's typical around this time with school starting and getting things together and organized. This phase is still in effect and soon things will slow down at least that's what I like to believe, HA!
It was the first day of school and the beginning of my fifth year of teaching. The day went well and flew by! The kids were fine. Some are already crackin' wise. LOL! But, I am making sure it's getting nipped in the bud. I must have grown another layer of thick skin over the summer (I think this is my fourth layer, I tend to grow one every year).
Well, that's all for now. I hope everyone is doing well. Have a fantastic week!!!! :0)
It was the first day of school and the beginning of my fifth year of teaching. The day went well and flew by! The kids were fine. Some are already crackin' wise. LOL! But, I am making sure it's getting nipped in the bud. I must have grown another layer of thick skin over the summer (I think this is my fourth layer, I tend to grow one every year).
Well, that's all for now. I hope everyone is doing well. Have a fantastic week!!!! :0)
Monday, August 20, 2007
1:1 (one to one) is the theme of this school year. We're focusing on building relationships with each student as well as with each faculty member.
It was great to be back. I saw my fellow colleagues and met new ones as well. All seem to be really nice, that's how we like it at work!!!
As soon as we finished our traditional first-day-back omelette breakfast, we settled into the auditorium and the opening meeting began. That meeting was powerful. I felt like I was in church because my principal was on fire and as he spoke, many colleagues were shouting out "AMEN!". That attitude ignited a motiviation in us. It was awesome. I can tell God is using him!
After that meeting, we were divided into our "crews" and sent off to our breakout sessions (staff development meetings). These meetings were short, sweet and straight to the point. The highlight of the day was seeing teachers play with play-doh as part of one of our breakout sessions on learning strategies. LOL! It was great.
So, overall....I saw great vids, learned and sang the fight song and school song, had a great lunch, played with play-doh, and laughed and threw out some old junk from my classroom. By the time I knew it, it was time to go home. I stayed till a quarter to 5. I wanted to stay late, but my shoes were killing me...:(
Have a great day!
Laura :0)
It was great to be back. I saw my fellow colleagues and met new ones as well. All seem to be really nice, that's how we like it at work!!!
As soon as we finished our traditional first-day-back omelette breakfast, we settled into the auditorium and the opening meeting began. That meeting was powerful. I felt like I was in church because my principal was on fire and as he spoke, many colleagues were shouting out "AMEN!". That attitude ignited a motiviation in us. It was awesome. I can tell God is using him!
After that meeting, we were divided into our "crews" and sent off to our breakout sessions (staff development meetings). These meetings were short, sweet and straight to the point. The highlight of the day was seeing teachers play with play-doh as part of one of our breakout sessions on learning strategies. LOL! It was great.
So, overall....I saw great vids, learned and sang the fight song and school song, had a great lunch, played with play-doh, and laughed and threw out some old junk from my classroom. By the time I knew it, it was time to go home. I stayed till a quarter to 5. I wanted to stay late, but my shoes were killing me...:(
Have a great day!
Laura :0)
My Birthday Party...08/17/07
My friend Pamela threw a birthday party for me! It was so sweet of her. She picked out some really cute party favors. They were these little gold rings that had a colored stone in them. These rings were so cute!!!
A couple of my close friends came and it was a joy seeing them. We talked and laughed, ate and stayed up pretty late...4:30am!!!! Oh boy!! I was so tired the next day, but it was so worth it. I also received some pretty cool gifts, too. Got a Kohl's card, Bath and Body Works certificate, a really beautiful fridge magnet and a really cute Tweety PJ set!!! I was really blessed that night.
I am really thankful for wonderful friends...YES, all of you!!!!!
Every perfect gift is definitely from above!!!!
Love ya'll!!!
A couple of my close friends came and it was a joy seeing them. We talked and laughed, ate and stayed up pretty late...4:30am!!!! Oh boy!! I was so tired the next day, but it was so worth it. I also received some pretty cool gifts, too. Got a Kohl's card, Bath and Body Works certificate, a really beautiful fridge magnet and a really cute Tweety PJ set!!! I was really blessed that night.
I am really thankful for wonderful friends...YES, all of you!!!!!
Every perfect gift is definitely from above!!!!
Love ya'll!!!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
My Tuesday
Many of you all know, I am going back to school. The application process has been slow due to outside circumstances, but it's coming together! I finally took the next step today towards my app process....the physical exam. Yes, my school requires one. Never heard of it and wasn't too thrilled with it, but I do what I gots to do!
The physical went well, however he referred me to an endocrinologist to check a nodule on my right thyroid. It's been bugging me a bit. I'll be setting up an appt this week. Other than that, he told me to improve my weight. I saw that one coming since I did gain weight since February (remember the Bell's Palsy episode of '07??). I wasn't too proud of that, but I'll be taking care of any support will be welcomed, lol.
What I did not see coming was the TETANUS SHOT he said I needed. Oh man, that needle was HUGE. I'm surprised it didn't go through to the other side of my arm. It "hurt-ed" and left me a bit sore...wah-wah..I'm done, LOL!
Well, with all this said, I am excited about my app process being finished!
I hope ya'll are doing great!!!
Lots of love and hugs,
Monday, August 13, 2007
Dancing with A Fish
This weekend, we had an APO reunion in Waco. A couple of us were there: Elke and her daughter, Rob, Kat and her sons, Kimmy and myself. Also, we were able to see Mr. and Mrs. Green!!! It was wonderful to be surrounded by great friends. It felt like we picked up where we left off. However, we were missing many other brothers. We missed ya'll!!!
The Friday night we arrived, we had dinner at La Fiesta Restaurant. The food there was delicious. After we finished our dinner, we made our way to Elke's house. We watched some old videos from way back when....1998!! That's almost ten years!!! As we watched the videos, we laughed at all the goofy things we used to do! LOL. These guys were my family away from my family during my college years and every memory I have of them is a great one!! I was really blessed and still am as a matter of fact!
Well, going back to the weekend, we laughed and laughed and commented on each others hairdos back then and HOW YOUNG WE LOOKED!!! Mind you, we are in our late 20s and still considered young, but some aging has taken place, LOL! In these videos, I was only a sophomore at 19. We learned later on that Elke's fish "Albie" dances and likes to be petted. Later that night, Kat, Kim, the little ones and I went back to our hotel room and hung out.
The next morning, we all met at IHOP and had a picture-taking session with 5 cameras or so and made our way to the Mayborne museum at Baylor University. (beautiful campus by the way!) We walked around and checked out the exhibits and then went to the children's museum where the kids had a blast. We stayed for a couple of hours and went back to Elke's house.
For the remainder of Saturday, I danced with Albie, we hung out, watched old vids, had some Bush's chicken, watched A Night at the Museum, and went through some photo albums where I found some great pics of my dearest friend Olga. When I saw them, I was almost rolling on the floor laughing. I could not believe how funny they were! They're pics of her getting pied by me and Kyle. It was great!
By 8pm, we said our goodbyes and gave each other hugs and had another pic-taking session and rode out into the sunset.
Blessings on ya'll!!
Laura :0)
Friday, August 10, 2007
My Week
Hey everyone! I hope all is going wonderful!
I had a very nice week!!! This summer keeps getting better and better!
Tuesday, I went to visit my friends Gregoria and Frank. They recently bought a new house. It's very pretty! I had not seen them in such a long time.... almost 5 years!!!! Gregoria and I know each other from kindergarten and we were classmates throughout our grade school days! We enjoyed a great dinner and talked about thing we've been up to. I had a wonderful time! By Wednesday, I stayed home and did some much needed cleaning and finally wrote my paper for admission to CFNI. My application process is almost finished!!! I have to make a dr. appointment to get a physical next week and I am good to go!
Thursday, I spent the day home as well. I had a short day since I slept in late...which I don't like doing because it throws me off! That night, got my clothes washed. Afterwards, my mother and I went to say bon voyage to my godmother and my cousin.They left to Honduras for vacation to visit family. At this time, half of my family is in Honduras right now. Things are not well because my other aunt (she lives in Allen) went to Honduras and became severely ill with anemia/depression. Changes in her health have not progressed, but I am strongly believing that she will be fine. She needs rest and lots of faith and prayer. I also heard that some visiting relatives as well got sick!!! Oh goodness! Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers that get better and come home safely.
Today, I am getting ready to go to Waco for an APO reunion. I am really excited!!! I'll be driving to Cedar Hill and catch up with Kat and Kim and make our way down to good ole Waco! As I get ready, I am also waiting for the UPS man/lady to come to come with a package I ordered. It stinks to have to wait and at the same time have a lot of stuff to do!!! Especially, when it involves errands I have to run...oh well, I will wait, wait, I'm done.
Blessings on ya'll!!!
Laura :0)
I had a very nice week!!! This summer keeps getting better and better!
Tuesday, I went to visit my friends Gregoria and Frank. They recently bought a new house. It's very pretty! I had not seen them in such a long time.... almost 5 years!!!! Gregoria and I know each other from kindergarten and we were classmates throughout our grade school days! We enjoyed a great dinner and talked about thing we've been up to. I had a wonderful time! By Wednesday, I stayed home and did some much needed cleaning and finally wrote my paper for admission to CFNI. My application process is almost finished!!! I have to make a dr. appointment to get a physical next week and I am good to go!
Thursday, I spent the day home as well. I had a short day since I slept in late...which I don't like doing because it throws me off! That night, got my clothes washed. Afterwards, my mother and I went to say bon voyage to my godmother and my cousin.They left to Honduras for vacation to visit family. At this time, half of my family is in Honduras right now. Things are not well because my other aunt (she lives in Allen) went to Honduras and became severely ill with anemia/depression. Changes in her health have not progressed, but I am strongly believing that she will be fine. She needs rest and lots of faith and prayer. I also heard that some visiting relatives as well got sick!!! Oh goodness! Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers that get better and come home safely.
Today, I am getting ready to go to Waco for an APO reunion. I am really excited!!! I'll be driving to Cedar Hill and catch up with Kat and Kim and make our way down to good ole Waco! As I get ready, I am also waiting for the UPS man/lady to come to come with a package I ordered. It stinks to have to wait and at the same time have a lot of stuff to do!!! Especially, when it involves errands I have to run...oh well, I will wait, wait, I'm done.
Blessings on ya'll!!!
Laura :0)
Monday, August 6, 2007
Year 5
It's crazy how this summer has flown by! I think I've mentioned this before. I have 2 weeks before I report to duty as a teacher. I will be going into my 5th year of teaching. Every year, I tell many that it always feels like the first year. However, this year I feel quite different about it. I'm not freaking out about it or preparing months before like I used to. Ask those who have lived with me, hahaha.
I can say that I know what I am doing (whoa, I actually said that). Yes, I will take time to prepare and take care of all those responsibilties that are entrusted to me, but I am not going to stress over it.
Before this past school year was out, I learned that I was going to be teaching Spanish 2 only. I was actually pretty excited that I no longer was a Spanish 1 teacher!! Let me tell ya'll that if I was given Spanish 1 again, I was not going to be a happy camper. The thought of teaching the Spanish alphabet again made me queasy and aggravated. Really, it did. I knew then, it was time for a change! So, I requested a different prep. It was granted.... ladies and gents my dues are paid!!!
This year, I know God has the steering wheel and will call the shots in my classroom. It's all in His hands and that's why I feel no worries about it, no stress about it. Yes, it'll get crazy and really busy, but I like it that way. I 'm excited to meet my students and see the ones I've had before...hopefully they matured over the summer.One can only hope, right? LOL
Many blessings!
Love ya'll!
I can say that I know what I am doing (whoa, I actually said that). Yes, I will take time to prepare and take care of all those responsibilties that are entrusted to me, but I am not going to stress over it.
Before this past school year was out, I learned that I was going to be teaching Spanish 2 only. I was actually pretty excited that I no longer was a Spanish 1 teacher!! Let me tell ya'll that if I was given Spanish 1 again, I was not going to be a happy camper. The thought of teaching the Spanish alphabet again made me queasy and aggravated. Really, it did. I knew then, it was time for a change! So, I requested a different prep. It was granted.... ladies and gents my dues are paid!!!
This year, I know God has the steering wheel and will call the shots in my classroom. It's all in His hands and that's why I feel no worries about it, no stress about it. Yes, it'll get crazy and really busy, but I like it that way. I 'm excited to meet my students and see the ones I've had before...hopefully they matured over the summer.One can only hope, right? LOL
Many blessings!
Love ya'll!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
This Morning Cup of Blessing!
This morning I went to Rockwall to put up my church signs. Afterwards on my way home, I decided to make a stop at Starbucks because it was going to be a good long day. Anyway, I placed my order and I noticed the car in front of me. I got to the window and the girl told me "she already paid for it." The lady in front of me had already paid for my order!!!! I was left in complete shock, a good shock. Before, I knew it she was gone!
Then, I noticed she was behind me as I got on the hwy (she went another way) and I waved to her big and blew her a kiss from my rear mirror.
By the time I got home, I was still amazed and in a daze. I could not believe what had happened. I wish I noticed where she was before I noticed her behind me on the road. I wanted to giver her a big hug.
God is so good, in fact, He's awesome!!!
I am really thankful for people like her, Whoever she is or whereever she is, I hope I see you soon to give thanks in person. God definitely moved in you and used you to bless me in ways I could not imagine. I pray He blesses you ABUNDANTLY and keep you always!!!
I really wanted to share this awesome moment with all of you and I hope it blesses you all as it did me...:0) I'm still in awe and enjoying my cup of blessing this morning!
Have a great and fabulous day!
Laura :0)
Then, I noticed she was behind me as I got on the hwy (she went another way) and I waved to her big and blew her a kiss from my rear mirror.
By the time I got home, I was still amazed and in a daze. I could not believe what had happened. I wish I noticed where she was before I noticed her behind me on the road. I wanted to giver her a big hug.
God is so good, in fact, He's awesome!!!
I am really thankful for people like her, Whoever she is or whereever she is, I hope I see you soon to give thanks in person. God definitely moved in you and used you to bless me in ways I could not imagine. I pray He blesses you ABUNDANTLY and keep you always!!!
I really wanted to share this awesome moment with all of you and I hope it blesses you all as it did me...:0) I'm still in awe and enjoying my cup of blessing this morning!
Have a great and fabulous day!
Laura :0)
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Clean House
Do you like home decor? Organization? Humor? Messy homes with "foolishness" that receive makeovers by holding a yard sale to raise the money for the makeover and on and on and on??? Then you'll love Clean House from the Style Channel!!! It comes on Wednesday at 8pm and everyday at 5pm! I know ya'll will love it!!!!
Here's a clip of the search for the messiest home in America. Enjoy!
Here's a clip of the search for the messiest home in America. Enjoy!
Yesterday and Today

I hope everyone has been staying dry. It's been so gloomy out there, but I do love rainy weather. It's so peaceful! Starting off with yesterday, I went to Commerce to make my last payment that I owed. It was a great relief! I was able to order some transcripts as well. I am so close to finishing up my application process for CFNI-Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas ( Hopefully, I can still get in for the fall. Thankfully, classes do not begin until October 1st. The rest of the day, I spent at home. I watched "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." It was a neat reminded me of Batman on sugar. It was good, though! The Oompa Loompas were really cute, and it was the same guy, but multiplied!
Today, was uneventful. I took care of some chores....the keyword here is some not all. I separated my laundry, surfed the net, played with the camera/computer (nerd) and watched "The Lake House". The movie was okay, but it didn't catch my attention very much. Besides that, I caught a couple of episodes of Clean House from the Style Channel....CHECK IT OUT, IT'S GREAT!!! You'll love Miss Niecy Nash!!!!
Have a great evening!
Take care and lots of love,
Laura :0)
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