Here are some pictures from Christmas day with my family. I have a gorgeous and wonderful family! I am so thankful to have them in my life. They're great!
I spent Christmas Eve at my mom's church for midnight mass and later on went over to my Godparents' house. It was a great evening! The following day, we woke up a little late than usual since my mom, bro and myself stayed up til 4:00am talking. We opened our gifts. Mostly, I was looking forward to seeing my mom open the gift I gave her. Which, by the way, was a Homedics pedicure spa! She wanted one for Christmas and I made sure she got one. The cool thing about it was that my brother got a dead sea spa manicure kit which is completely awesome!!!!! So both go together.
As far as gifts this year, I was totally blessed with many that I completely love. Mostly were pampering gifts such as perfume(Red Delicious by DKNY), makeup (drool), and the dead sea spa manicure kit. This'll come in handy as an escape during those crazy, stressful times. Of course, I gave myself a crock pot and a new laptop... (from November...kinda had to, though) and some silverware.
Later that afternoon, we went to Allen to see our family. We had TONS and TONS of food! My mom made her ham and my cousin made her famous Honduran Enchiladas. Along with that, we had horchata (silent h) which is a cinnamon rice drink (drool). All was wonderful and delicious and it was great to be around people I love!
I hope ya'll had a great Holiday!
Love ya'll!
Things to ponder: How to spend the last week of 2007? Coming soon to a blog near you! (LOL!)
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