Friday, March 27, 2009


Been really busy and haven't had a chance to sit and write. I'm going to try something really different with my next blog. I hope you all are doing well! Take care and blessings on ya'll! :)))


p.s. enjoy the following random kitty pictures...yeah, I love cats ever since I got my little mimi...:))) before that, i was terrified of them, but mimi changed that...LOL!


funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Still Trying...

WOO HOO ! ! !
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

This week has flown by! Praise God! :) I've been sleep deprived for 2 weeks, but the pinnacle of it was last weekend for Battle Cry. All of us hardly slept at all, so sleep is a big issue. I feel like my head is about to hit my desk as I am writing this. I would like to be as energetic as the kitty in the picture above, but I'm not. lol. But, God has been so wonderful as to give me the strength and attitude I need to serve my students and colleagues well. I just need to make it a priority to go to bed early and leave my projects alone for one night and take care of my health. I am feeling symptoms of a cold, but I refuse to get sick!!!! I've had it with getting sick. It took me 2 months or so to get over an upper respiratory infection! YUCK!!! I've been back to normal for a month now and I want to keep it that way! ha! Besides, I can't use any more sick days because I have a week of C4C Youth Rally this summer. WOO!
SO, that is all for now! I hope you all are doing well and thanks for stopping by!

Thank you! Come again!


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Warning: Open At Your Own Risk!

Thanks to one of my youth, this commercial has been playing through my head for a couple of days, LOL! I think this commercial is way outside the box! :p It cracks me up every time I watch it!! It's too funny!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Battle Cry 2009 Weekend

This weekend was amazing. I learned so much and had fun while at it. The event is called Battle Cry and it's sponsored by Teen Mania Ministries from a town near Tyler, TX called Garden Valley. It's an interdenominational (All branches of Christianity) Youth event. Although, it was targeted to the youth, I learned so much about the basics like honoring your parents, purity, and stepping out of one's comfort zone. I felt so equipped after we left. Besides the great teaching, there were some great bands on the venue and it rocked! We had floor seats and sat front, center on the third row. Below are some sweet pics I took with my new toy (merry christmas to me, lol!), a Nikon D60.

There are many more and I will post more later on! Happy Monday! :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Need A Little Motivation?

Here's a link to a great website! It helps increase work productivity and provides constant encouragement when needed. You have got to check it out. You can even download it into your computer and yes, it's safe because I have it on both laptops. I LOVE IT!!!

Copy and paste the following link to your browser:

Have a happy motivated day!!! :D

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Talking Dogs

This video is awesome and too funny!!! Sit back and enjoy a good laugh! :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Will I Ever Work from Home, Again?

There was an accident off the highway I live by and the one after it was congested, too. Oh boy! I was certainly going to be an hour late or so to work! I called and asked if there was possibility that I could work from home. Since I was not on the schedule to see students, I went ahead and worked from home. This was the first time I worked from home and to be honest, I was too distracted. I was thinking to myself, "I could be doing this and that and oooh, that other project." Of course, it had nothing to do with work and the program I am coordinating at the college. I paced back and forth and nothing!!! Ugh, I hate writer's block. For those of you who don't know, I'm a scholarship program coordinator and I have been entrusted to run this program. However, there are some hurdles I have to jump over. I am rewriting a proposal for possible grant funds. It's been a month or so and there is not much progress or at least where I would like to be. Anyway, back to my day, I was not happy with the results and felt like I wasted a day even though I got some thing done or I think it's done. But, even when I am in my office, I still feel so distracted, lol! Oh dear! What am I gonna do? LOL! Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day at the office and I can accomplish some things that need attention. So, that was my Wednesday! However, I got alot accomplished for Youth in our multimedia dept and this weekend's events this evening and I got to see my mother, too...:D

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Transformed And Being Transformed, Again.

So, what's new? Alot, actually. I've logged on many times to write something in the past two months, but I couldn't think of anything to write about. It's pretty sad, I know. I have recovered from my grandmother's passing and recently lost my great aunt Olivia in Honduras, too. Thankfully, my family is doing fine. I've lost about 44 pounds since August which is a big relief for me! My time in the Youth Ministry has been a blessing in my life for the fact that I still get to work with teens. They are my heartbeat and my motivation to lead a Godly example to the best of my ability....because, overall, I am a human being.
I don't know where to begin to tell ya'll the truth. Like many twenty-somethings, I find myself in continuous transformation. Sometimes, it's easy, sometimes it's not so easy. This is a new season for me. It's changing me from the inside out, spiritually. It's been challenging, but I am learning, growing and maturing. It leaves me with the choice to leave childish things behind and to move forward in His calling for my life. This time it's no game. What I mean by childish things, I am not talking about being goofy, silly, joking around and what not...we all know that part of me will never go away! So, get used to it! LOL!
But, I speak of behaving outside of God's character (Galatians 5:22-23). It's too important for me to live by His counsel, wisdom and for Him to direct every step of my life (Book of Proverbs). It's not easy because I am no way near perfect whatsoever, but I can do many things in Jesus...seriously, without Him, I am absolutely nothing. I stumble, but He catches me and redirects me. He lifts my head up when I am in the midst of refinement. I could not ask for more in a Father. It blesses me beyond measure. To say the least, this is only the beginning of something amazing for me that surpasses all my understanding and knowledge. So, this is the new me.I have much more to learn, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
I needed to vent out and write about what I have learned in the past couple of months and although, it's nothing new, but this time it has become more alive and in action in my life. It's mind-blowing to see I serve a living God who never sleeps (Psalm 121), watches my coming and going, and moves on behalf of His children. Wow.

I hope this finds everyone well.
Blessings on ya'll!
Laura :)
p.s. Yes, the preacher in me likes to come out once in a while and say something.