You'd think it being Friday the 13th and it being such a gloomy day that it would be filled with chaos and unwanted problems, but nope...not tonight! Tonight, my friends, was a total blessing!
My friend Lynn and I went to "A Night of Worship" at Christ For The Nations Institute in Dallas. (I've never gone to this event and I wanted to check to see what it was like.) Well, this place was filled with people of ALL ages and from all over the country. Ok, let's just say it was so cool to see a 50 or 60 yr-old guy jump up and down with his arms up praising God. Anyway, this event consists of the CFNI praise band and the body of Christ coming together to sing to the Lord. I don't think I've mentioned that this praise band ROCKS! It was full of energy and full of passion!!! This band is not like any other I've ever seen. I mean they really really worship in spirit and in truth!
Well, for 2hrs and 45 minutes we were singing our hearts out, and of course left with raspy voices, lol...but most importantly God's presence was there tonight. Usually during worship, I feel His presence, but tonight there was no "feeling". He was there, though. However, he showed Himself in a different way by showing me that He was holding my hand and told me "Do not rely on your feelings, RELY ON ME." He taught me that He is always around whether I feel Him or not or hear Him or not...I needed to stretch out my arm of faith further out. Also, to worship Him wholehearteldy inside and out whether the feeling is there or not...."worship Him in spirit and in truth." I tell ya'll for sure...I wasn't expecting that. But, I am thankful it did happen! I really needed to hear that. He is so good!
Tonight, God moved. He taught us something very important. He took us to another level. He changed lives. But, He's not done with us yet (that includes whoever reads this).
Well, that was my night. At first, I went because I heard it was awesome and I wanted to check it out, but it turned out to be an appointment with our Father!
I hope ya'll are doing great! Take care and many blessings on all of you!
Have a fabulous weekend!
sounds like you had a ton of fun...
you are a very spiritual person
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