This weekend, we had an APO reunion in Waco. A couple of us were there: Elke and her daughter, Rob, Kat and her sons, Kimmy and myself. Also, we were able to see Mr. and Mrs. Green!!! It was wonderful to be surrounded by great friends. It felt like we picked up where we left off. However, we were missing many other brothers. We missed ya'll!!!
The Friday night we arrived, we had dinner at La Fiesta Restaurant. The food there was delicious. After we finished our dinner, we made our way to Elke's house. We watched some old videos from way back when....1998!! That's almost ten years!!! As we watched the videos, we laughed at all the goofy things we used to do! LOL. These guys were my family away from my family during my college years and every memory I have of them is a great one!! I was really blessed and still am as a matter of fact!
Well, going back to the weekend, we laughed and laughed and commented on each others hairdos back then and HOW YOUNG WE LOOKED!!! Mind you, we are in our late 20s and still considered young, but some aging has taken place, LOL! In these videos, I was only a sophomore at 19. We learned later on that Elke's fish "Albie" dances and likes to be petted. Later that night, Kat, Kim, the little ones and I went back to our hotel room and hung out.
The next morning, we all met at IHOP and had a picture-taking session with 5 cameras or so and made our way to the Mayborne museum at Baylor University. (beautiful campus by the way!) We walked around and checked out the exhibits and then went to the children's museum where the kids had a blast. We stayed for a couple of hours and went back to Elke's house.
For the remainder of Saturday, I danced with Albie, we hung out, watched old vids, had some Bush's chicken, watched A Night at the Museum, and went through some photo albums where I found some great pics of my dearest friend Olga. When I saw them, I was almost rolling on the floor laughing. I could not believe how funny they were! They're pics of her getting pied by me and Kyle. It was great!
By 8pm, we said our goodbyes and gave each other hugs and had another pic-taking session and rode out into the sunset.
Blessings on ya'll!!
Laura :0)